Friday, September 26, 2008


Anyone laughing? At least smiling? Nah... you see, sometimes, like all the time... like right now... I feel much better, and all is good and perfect. So, now, What else am I doing, here and now? I'm, I'll be, working late this evening! Not only do I need to update some more things but also some @the Presse - cleaning! I have inherited the maintenance duties! But let me say, I enjoy them. Who likes to work in a messy area? Come on now! So... I'm going to end this here, and keep goin' because it's goin' good. Why stop? Why now? Why ever?

Steady Steady Steady... adding Speed!!!!!

Today has been a tough day here. I'm fighting a terrible cold, and well... had some medicine, but it's kickin' the living life out of me! It's good, though, I'm still working and still getting things done regardless. This is most important so the cold can wait... right? Yep! I say forget the cold, and PRIORITY IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE! We've been trying to get everything done, as far as edited, then there's the store, and then there's the whole idea behind the work being published. Some people may be misled by the fact we publish on the Kindle. The point is... we have a philosophy where technology is accommodated while classic beauty is upheld. There is a whole long theory on this, something we conjured up, based on trends and such, not to mention simple quality of life ideals and aspirations. So... without further ado now - I'm going back to work. The blog has not been updated frequently enough, the site has not been updated frequently enough either, the authors represented have work to be seen, read, and heard, and I'm determined to forget about this drowsiness (thanks medication!) So... off to work I go!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Chapter 1

It’s our focus on a story

Wear dinner theatre.

Something regional.

Let me cut it

At the waist

Having sex

Being breathless

Then feeling that lacking touch

Fill me

To where I tumble

Down every side

No inns

No outs

Hot metal

With her name then

What I call her today

Same – sometimes


Cut-throat conversations


Cut-throat battle of raw attempt

Gone heavenly

A size up

To stiff shots

Where please help yourself

‘til it’s all

Give me


More than enough.

© US!!!!! 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Presse Status

Because 1 of the 6 billion+ population will wonder, this is our first post here. The main site is not yet available, but... it is certainly in preparation. We are very happy beginning this venture, and for the meantime, this blog is what we have to provide the comings & goings of My Independent Presse and the releasing involved. Even the blog is still under works, but for the meantime, we have this. Was it mentioned it's time for lunch? It's time for some special selective peace of mind. Thank you, and give us 5 minutes, or maybe 15, fine make that 30, and we will be right back! Merci!