Thursday, October 16, 2008

the My Independent Presse manifesto editing

This is somewhat of an explanation of what we're going to be writing. We're adding it here because regardless this is proprietary information + it will be part of our website & company we want to clearly state what My Independent Presse is looking towards. Overall we do not believe the world will be changing from a book in hand to an electronic device in the near future. I truly believe that not even the comfort level is close enough to be considered at a parallel. Be advised that we do not believe such parallel exists. We are seeing that reading is taking a different form in our lives. Reading that ala War & Peace "tome" is not commonly possible. We hope this clears up any consequential predictions of where My Independent Presse stands. The more eloquent manifesto will be updated shortly on the site. merci!

What we've been up to...

Wow... it feels like way too long since we last wrote in here. Well, i can say that since the last time the blog was updated we've been breaking our heads over the "what road do we take in this path" part this Presse essence. We had an epiphany this morning. We were writing our journals - yes we do this in unison - and decided that there is more elaboration to be done on the website, as we all knew & know + we need to update the manifesto. The issue with the manifesto - it's not as clear as we need it to be. Reading it, it seems a bit ambiguous + My Independent Presse is not ambiguous. We are very, very, very clear in our goals. We know what we want, and yes we all want the same exact thing, so... to work on this manifesto we go.